PHQ Global is ISO 9001:2015 Certified!

Mission Statement

PHQ Global Inc., believes in developing and maintaining a partnership-like relationship with our customers. For this relationship to be effective, it is important to express to our customers and suppliers our policies, mission statement and principles that form the philosophy of our organization.

PHQ Global Inc., is dedicated to technological leadership in manufacturing, marketing and sales of Rock Drills and Parts for the mining industry. We will satisfy customers needs with superior quality products and services. We will achieve these objectives through a team of competent and informed employees, committed to excellence and the highest standards.

Our prime responsibility is the development of current and future suppliers that will form a supply base of world class domestic and foreign manufacturing companies. This supply base will offer the best quality design and technology for the most economic cost, with a goal to establish zero defects as the standard. We recognize that continuous quality improvement is the key to cost containment. Our quality system focuses on defect prevention and our measure of success is the reduction of the cost of non conformance.

Certificate of Registration

Registered by: SAI Global Certification Services Pty Ltd.

Certified in the Russian Federation